Human Unity

Physically, humans share their genetic coding with the majority of live organisms on planet Earth. Mushrooms share 50% of our genetic code and have to survive the same viruses that humans do. I do think humanity is due for an upgrade, I don't think it is locked inside our DNA in a way we can access it -(ala Project Power). Not to the benefit of our an entire species at least. The surface traits that make humans look different to each other: skin colour, hair texture, sex organs, physical anomalies, fashion and age have structured the power distributions in our planet's societies. Even before the recent hundreds of years filled with conquering and control by Europeans across the planet, humans divided themselves by culture and creed. Organized themselves along lines where the information provided by the eyes and ears could be prioritized. "Is this person for my tribe/nation?" was a life or death question that had to be answered in seconds because of the prevalence of violence and exploitation. There is no denying that these constructs have helped our species to survive to this point. But they are a means to an end. The piece that is up to faith. Where I live this is The End that has already been achieved.

For most humans walking the planet now, these divisions continue to define their life. We just have longer than seconds to find out if someone is for us. We have received the minutes to years that it takes to learn what relations are for our blessing; received them from the sacrifices of our ancestors. And, we have received them through education. Spaces built for thinking and philosophizing, for keeping records of the existences that have come before, these places are inherently non-violent in the physical and emotional spaces of our lives. As we remove violence from human lives, we create humans that can not tolerate or survive violence at the same level as ages past.

We live knowing that these surface differences are meaningless beyond the physical roles they play. Dark skin and curly hair protect humans from sun damage. Sex organs are large sensitive nerve bundles that stimulate the body in a primal, possibly pleasurable, way because -no matter the pain of the world, humans have to make more humans. Alternatively abled people are worth investing resources in. Fashion is costume. Age is just life taking as long as it takes. Each of these has a fundamental role in species survival- an understanding that truly did not exist on any large scale before the end of the 20th century. The investment in science researching the material world (which brought our species more than one technological revolution) has blessed us with unraveling hundreds of thousands of years of tribal-istic interpretations of the material. We are forced to get to know people, to see beyond the surface bits. We find that the value of a human life is priceless regardless of what the eyes, ears or nose can categorize and construct about that life.

The call for those aware is to endure the ignorance of many others. We are one species, deceived by our eyes and our egos for most of our species existence. Surviving to humans has meant ending the lives of the other humans that do not have an appearance which matches our own for so long that it is instinct. Now, the transition to seeing a priceless human life instead of surface traits is our greatest calling as humans. We must unite our species and elevate ourselves beyond determining value of life within the physical/material world.


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