Understatement: Tibicos is so Good

ABSTRACT: I submit a personal experiment that I do not recommend anyone replicate at all. Please. I felt really bad after Play 3. Just do the drinking the anti-hyperglycemic drink part, and not the drinking unfermented juice part. This experiment demonstrates the different physical experiences a human can have after drinking juice fermented with a tibicos:in versus unfermented juice. This is also a compilation of me playing dangerous blood sugar games with myself, while testing my blood sugar and watching my oldest child play Undertale. Playing a video game that’s designed like Undertale serves as an external timeline as well as entertainment. The original footage was streamed live on the alltheferment Twitch channel. In total, completing the “pacifist to true pacifist” ending (where the player kills nothing) and the “neutral” ending (where the player kills some things) of Undertale took over 20 hours unevenly split between 4 different plays because I got very sick during Plays 2 and 3, and dramatically so during Play 3. We plan to stream the no mercy outcome (where the player kills everything) and I will continue to eat hyper-glycemic foods while drinking antihyperglycemic juice fermented with a tibicos:in. Follow us on Instagram to be alerted to live streaming events. And I will never,ever,ever consume any kind of sugar without drinking tibicos first and it is because of Plays 2 and 3 summarized by this video Undertale:Tibicos is so good.

PURPOSE: To prove that the juice or other sugar liquid that feeds a Tibicos SCOBY from a tibicos:in fermenting juice fundamentally changes after being fermented making juice, a typically chaotic food for diabetics, into an anti-hyperglycemic drink. Tibicos fundamentally changes the way sugar is digested in my human gut but explaining that to people for the last three years has been a challenge because my tibicos:ins, only the easiest method to incorporate tibicos into a human gut microbiome, ferment juice. Modern food science and medicine has basically terrified people about drinking juice, especially diabetics. Fermentation is a process that fundamentally changes food for the benefit of humanity. Fermentation shifts food resources on a cellular level into the more genetically familiar foods of a past time when humans did not have such systematic sterilization practices and lived alongside more or all of their living ancestors. Fermentation also can not readily be incorporated into post-colonial big agriculture/foodsupply systems until the very end of the supply line because they are built on sterilization practices that target the microscopic world at every stage of food production. The best place for fermentation to take place is in the home of the consumer of the fermented food because the results will the be most living concentrates of probiotics in the fermented food source for the least amount of physical investment. Education for the end consumer on how fermenting can be safe and easy is necessary because the conventions of the modern food industry are rooted in sterilization, and for mass food product production, that is how it should be. For all food production, there is the potential for the consumer to change the product purchased into a more desirable meal. Fermentation is a type of cooking for foodstuffs that happens at room temperature instead of high temperatures. Juice is a foodstuff (that is arguably more delicious in its most modern foodstuff form than ancestors could ever imagine). Juice fermented with a Tibicos:in is a simple way to grow your own highly concentrated, living probiotics.

HYPOTHESIS: The presence of Tibicos SCOBY in a human gut microbiome, like mine, fundamentally changes the way sugar is digested, such that foods with a high glycemic index are easier to consume for a human like me.

RESOURCES: glucose monitoring system (FreeStyle Lite); juice (cranberry-grape, cranberry-raspberry); Tibicos fermented juice (cranberry-grape, cranberry-raspberry, apple); hyperglycemic snacks; spreadsheet program; timer; extended periods of time; adjacent enjoyable activity (playing Undertale).

PROCEDURE: Measure blood sugar with a glucose monitor every fifteen to twenty minutes. Record the results on a timeline alongside a record of food and drink consumption. Record whether the blood sugar readings are on a body starting from a fasting state or a fed state. Consume Tibicos fermented juice alongside not fermented juice and hyperglycemic snacks (pretzels, soda, margaritas). Repeat multiple times. Change whether the body is starting from fasting or fed, change the order and amounts of Tibicos fermented juice consumed alongside the hyperglycemic snacks.

As part of the procedure for this pseudo-experiment I did on myself, I did consume not fermented juice from a fasted state. My body had not consumed tibicos in only 18 hours, but the reaction that I had was so terrible that I can absolutely not recommend putting unfermented juice into a human body at all. But if one would put unfermented juice into their body, then do it after you have enjoyed a sugar liquid fermented with tibicos.

RESULT: Tibicos is so good. The difference in my blood sugar reaction in Play 1 versus Play 3 is remarkable. I ended Play 2 and Play 3 feeling terribly ill. It took one day to recover from Play 2. It took my body a week to recover from Play 3. I went into Play 3 having taken a break from consuming tibicos for the previous 18 hours. Typically I drink at least 1.5 liters in every 24 hour period, so I do not go 18 hours without Tibicos on any kind of regular basis. And, if I do go that long, I am intentional about drinking tibicos first before eating anything—especially anything high in sugar! Play 3 gave my system a big shock. I was still queasy and hesitant to consume any sugar at all on Play 4.

The charts I produced for Plays 1–4 present my blood glucose readings (in mmol/L) over time. All of the numbers on the charts correspond to the blood sugar timeline. In the background, behind the glucose monitor readings, I have represented the sugar I consumed visually along the same timeline. Fermented sugar is represented by blue bars, not fermented sugar is represented by pink bars. The bars are not associated at all with the numbers on the charts, more so, they have their own scale with area essentially representing sugar consumed based on type.

Watch the pseudo-experiment happen:

The end of Play 3, where my blood sugar is still fluctuating, really makes me sad about being so sick that I did not collect glucose readings for longer. I also went and had my HbA1c tested for a fee at a local pharmacy. The results came back at 4.8%. I have been drinking fermented juice for three years, a lot of it. So I have to conclude, based on my experience, that Tibicos ferment in fruit juice fundamentally changes the way the sugar is digested and absorbed by my human body.

CONCLUSION: I can not live the best quality of my life without growing and consuming the highly concentrated, living probiotics of Tibicos mushroom in juice. Consuming Tibicos mitigates the negative effects of high sugar concentrations on my human body. Tibicos loves humans.


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